My Hair was pretty long, almost a couple inches past my sholders, and i've never EVER had this short of hair...but got it all chopped off....whatcha all think?!?!?!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Whatcha Think?
So this past friday Niles and I went to Applebee's for his birthday. And after about 2 glasses of wine I saw this girl that had a really cute hair cut! I asked Niles if he thought I could pull it off, and assuringly he said he thought I could. So I figured, it is only hair and it will grow back sooner or later so why not take a risk and try something new.
My Hair was pretty long, almost a couple inches past my sholders, and i've never EVER had this short of hair...but got it all chopped off....whatcha all think?!?!?!

My Hair was pretty long, almost a couple inches past my sholders, and i've never EVER had this short of hair...but got it all chopped off....whatcha all think?!?!?!
Play Time!
Dorian just started doing this thing where she LOVES to stand up! She laughs and smiles and loves loves loves standing up, even if only for a second or two...loves it! So being that mommy and daddy can't hold her every waking second of the day, we decided it was time to invest in an exer-saucer!
We never knew that it would go over so well with her, but let me tell you...HOURS of fun! She Loves it and doesn't want to get out of it when we have to feed her or get her to sleep! Ha ha ha but anyways...not only is it an exer-saucer that she loves, it is super pink! Ya like we needed more pink stuff in our house, her clothes and blankets weren't enough...we bought the pink one. Only thing is, if she ends up getting a brother...he is going to have A LOT of pink toys! ha ha ha

We never knew that it would go over so well with her, but let me tell you...HOURS of fun! She Loves it and doesn't want to get out of it when we have to feed her or get her to sleep! Ha ha ha but anyways...not only is it an exer-saucer that she loves, it is super pink! Ya like we needed more pink stuff in our house, her clothes and blankets weren't enough...we bought the pink one. Only thing is, if she ends up getting a brother...he is going to have A LOT of pink toys! ha ha ha
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Life Can be REALLY Messy!
I was reading the back of the Gerber Cereal box this past Saturday and it Said...A supported Sitter (Dorian) should be eating cereal! And I thought, out loud, CRAP! ha ha ha The Doctor Said no solid food until 16 weeks, and now Gerber says she should have been eating this stuff two weeks ago!
So many people suggest so MANY things, and each person knows what is best for your child. So being a first time mom....who do you really listen to?!?!?! Good question huh?!
So my thought process was I would compromise with the two bodies of knowledge and start that day! ha ha ha...Dorian was 15 weeks, so only one week early from what the doctor told me and two weeks late from what Gerber told me! It works for me!
So Daddy and I went out to walmart and bought the gear! We got a high-chair, bowls, spoons, and tons of cereal! She was going to start eating it as soon as we got home! And boy did I TOTALLY not realize the mess this whole process was! Cereal EVERYWHERE!!!
But the girl has to learn sometime how to eat, right!? So.....Game Face On, I say! This is our litte girl on her first day of eating solid foods! Not a huge stage of her life that it needs to be remembered, but oh such good material to show her first boyfriend that she brings home to meet her mommy and daddy later in life!

So many people suggest so MANY things, and each person knows what is best for your child. So being a first time mom....who do you really listen to?!?!?! Good question huh?!
So my thought process was I would compromise with the two bodies of knowledge and start that day! ha ha ha...Dorian was 15 weeks, so only one week early from what the doctor told me and two weeks late from what Gerber told me! It works for me!
So Daddy and I went out to walmart and bought the gear! We got a high-chair, bowls, spoons, and tons of cereal! She was going to start eating it as soon as we got home! And boy did I TOTALLY not realize the mess this whole process was! Cereal EVERYWHERE!!!
But the girl has to learn sometime how to eat, right!? So.....Game Face On, I say! This is our litte girl on her first day of eating solid foods! Not a huge stage of her life that it needs to be remembered, but oh such good material to show her first boyfriend that she brings home to meet her mommy and daddy later in life!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Wierdo Cat
He really does follow me into the bathroom and try to get in the tub with joke, this is real my friends! ha ha ha
Saturday Football!
I guess it is never to early to teach your children things, right?!?!? Well I understand, or have come to understand that Daddy does nothing but watch college football on saturdays! No matter what, there is at least 5 games on that can entertain him for hours on saturdays. This means that usually the cleaning or whatever needs done will wait until later in the day, depending on which teams are playing!
Again, I understand this, and am totally okay with College football day! If I get my Grey's Anatomy day, he can have his day....right?!?!? ha ha ha Anyways...This is a little snippette of what was going on in my house on Saturday college football! ha ha ha
You can't help but laugh at the two of them gazing at the TV! But I guess Niles is starting early and teaching her now! The two of them watched College football all day, and it was really histerical! Daddy and Dorian have their day now, Cuz mommy doesn't do saturday football!!! ha ha ha

Again, I understand this, and am totally okay with College football day! If I get my Grey's Anatomy day, he can have his day....right?!?!? ha ha ha Anyways...This is a little snippette of what was going on in my house on Saturday college football! ha ha ha
You can't help but laugh at the two of them gazing at the TV! But I guess Niles is starting early and teaching her now! The two of them watched College football all day, and it was really histerical! Daddy and Dorian have their day now, Cuz mommy doesn't do saturday football!!! ha ha ha
So Many New Things!
There are sooo many new things in lil' d's world! Niles and I were getting ready for D to take a bath the other day. She was laying on her Boppy Pillow watching the einsteins and we were getting the towels, water, and whatever else ready. When we heard this loud (and i'm talking super loud) sucking noise! We both looked at each other like, what is that stupid cat doing now, and walked into the other room to check it out!
Dorian looks up at us with drool everywhere and her thumb in her mouth! I think Niles and I wanted to high five each other cuz we knew it was that time, and her thumb will be our savior someday in the car or mall or where ever! ha ha ha
But it is loud, and it is messy, but she loves her thumb, and we love her for finding it!

Dorian looks up at us with drool everywhere and her thumb in her mouth! I think Niles and I wanted to high five each other cuz we knew it was that time, and her thumb will be our savior someday in the car or mall or where ever! ha ha ha
But it is loud, and it is messy, but she loves her thumb, and we love her for finding it!
Rollin' on Through!
As a follow up to how strong Dorian really is...we knew she was going to start rolling over soon, just didn't realize it was going to be two days after I posted my last blog!
I was at work and got the phone call..."Hunny, I went to get Dorian up from her nap...and she was on her back!" Ha Ha Ha And I'm telling you, since that miraculous moment in her world, she has not been the same! It is as if the world has done a 180 and she rules it!
She can not sit still anymore and I'm thinkin soon she will be crawling all over the place....she is already inching along the floor! But there is no more just laying on the floor....she is rolling everywhere! Although after seeing the pictures of todays rolling discovery, she didn't seem to like it the first couple of times, it scared the living daylights out of her i think!
But yes, today was the day my friends...Dorian is mobile! (Brandi, you were sooooo right!)

I was at work and got the phone call..."Hunny, I went to get Dorian up from her nap...and she was on her back!" Ha Ha Ha And I'm telling you, since that miraculous moment in her world, she has not been the same! It is as if the world has done a 180 and she rules it!
She can not sit still anymore and I'm thinkin soon she will be crawling all over the place....she is already inching along the floor! But there is no more just laying on the floor....she is rolling everywhere! Although after seeing the pictures of todays rolling discovery, she didn't seem to like it the first couple of times, it scared the living daylights out of her i think!
But yes, today was the day my friends...Dorian is mobile! (Brandi, you were sooooo right!)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
My Super Strong Dorian!
Dorian has hated to lay on her tummy, she will lay on it to sleep, but not to play! This is sooo super recent I had to share! She LOVES tummy time now that she is strong enough to hold her head up!
And she is ohhhhhhhhhhhh so close to rolling over, I'm talking like a couple centimeters and she is going to get it...but patience is what I'm learning!! She is getting so big, and within days she will be able to roll over and a couple of weeks she will be sitting on her own!!
Wow, time flies by so quickly, I honestly feel like we just brought her home from the hospital, and she is already laughing, rolling over, and talking up a storm!!!
Anyways, quick post, just wanted to share the amazing strong Dorian pictures I just took this morning...huge monumental step in her lil' world~and wanted to share with you all first!

And she is ohhhhhhhhhhhh so close to rolling over, I'm talking like a couple centimeters and she is going to get it...but patience is what I'm learning!! She is getting so big, and within days she will be able to roll over and a couple of weeks she will be sitting on her own!!
Wow, time flies by so quickly, I honestly feel like we just brought her home from the hospital, and she is already laughing, rolling over, and talking up a storm!!!
Anyways, quick post, just wanted to share the amazing strong Dorian pictures I just took this morning...huge monumental step in her lil' world~and wanted to share with you all first!
Tonsils are OUT!
Just wanted to give everyone an update...I had my tonsils taken out yesterday! This was 20 years in the waiting for me! The surgery went well, I was in and out within 2 hours. Niles picked me up and brought me home to rest! I am only off of work for today, and plan to go back tomorrow! My throat is pretty sore but it is going to be the last time i EVER get strep again!!! I can handle that! ha ha ha But All is well and we are recovering great!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Who is the REAL baby!?!?!?!?
I think it was when I was about 5 months pregnant, Niles went to do a Habitat for Humanity for our tiny town of Alamogordo. While he was doing his work, building a house, him and a few other airmen found a small liter of kittens. There mother was rejecting them and all three of them were going to die if someone did not take them home and care for them. Niles knew how badly I wanted a kitten, and since I was pregnant and miserable he thought what better surprise than him brining home a kitten!?!?!?! Needless to say, I was super excited...not realizing how much work this was going to entale in the future ha ha ha
We named our Kitten "mister" (super long story how that happened, i'll spare you all the details) and bottle fed him every 3 hours until he was 8 weeks old. Mister was the runt of the litter and only weighed 0.6 lbs when he first went to the vets. Life was allllllllllllllll about mister and he was super babied for the first 4 months of his life. He was not ready or wanted to have someone take all of his attention away!
When we came home from the hospital mister did nothing but cry (a horrible HORRIBLE moan) for weeks! He did not like Dorian and was not even willing to give her a chance!!!!! I didn't know what to do, so i kept him locked in a room of his own until he was ready to give her a chance! ha ha ha ( i felt like i was punishing my cat...wierd! ) And slowly but surely mister began to come around. He started by just smelling her, and would occasionaly try to walk on her. We had to remind him there was no walking on babies in our house! ha ha and was stemmed to what I am about to show you....
Mister is, i'm not even kidding, obsessed with Dorian! He needs to be, wants to be, and has to be around her at all times! CRAZY! He will not leave her side, and when she is playing he is there with her! When she cries, he runs down the hall to make sure she is okay! When she is eatting, he is there laying beside her to give her a pillow for support! WIERDO CAT I'M TELLING YOU ALL!!! It is not getting better, it is getting worse! They are joined at the hip! Mister loves his Dorian, but sometimes I wonder who is the bigger baby?!?!? Dorian or Mister!? They both cry, need lots of lovin, need constantly fed, and diaper/litterbox changed....really?!?!? You tell me....I have proof my cat wants to be a baby!!!!

We named our Kitten "mister" (super long story how that happened, i'll spare you all the details) and bottle fed him every 3 hours until he was 8 weeks old. Mister was the runt of the litter and only weighed 0.6 lbs when he first went to the vets. Life was allllllllllllllll about mister and he was super babied for the first 4 months of his life. He was not ready or wanted to have someone take all of his attention away!
When we came home from the hospital mister did nothing but cry (a horrible HORRIBLE moan) for weeks! He did not like Dorian and was not even willing to give her a chance!!!!! I didn't know what to do, so i kept him locked in a room of his own until he was ready to give her a chance! ha ha ha ( i felt like i was punishing my cat...wierd! ) And slowly but surely mister began to come around. He started by just smelling her, and would occasionaly try to walk on her. We had to remind him there was no walking on babies in our house! ha ha and was stemmed to what I am about to show you....
Mister is, i'm not even kidding, obsessed with Dorian! He needs to be, wants to be, and has to be around her at all times! CRAZY! He will not leave her side, and when she is playing he is there with her! When she cries, he runs down the hall to make sure she is okay! When she is eatting, he is there laying beside her to give her a pillow for support! WIERDO CAT I'M TELLING YOU ALL!!! It is not getting better, it is getting worse! They are joined at the hip! Mister loves his Dorian, but sometimes I wonder who is the bigger baby?!?!? Dorian or Mister!? They both cry, need lots of lovin, need constantly fed, and diaper/litterbox changed....really?!?!? You tell me....I have proof my cat wants to be a baby!!!!
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