Niles and I had a birthday cookout for Dorian this past weekend. It was a blast! A lot of people showed up, we had great food, and a lot of fun!
BUT!!! The Cake on the other hand that I had ordered for Dorian was UGLY!!! So here is what happened, almost a month in advance I ordered this cake from a lady who owns her own bakery. She has the best cakes in town and only makes a certain amount of things a day and I made sure that we got our order in for her party to have that "special cake".
She asked me what the theme was for her party and I replied that we were going to try to do a Little Mermaid theme with red and green as the colors and I wanted a mermaid on the cake. She told me she couldn't do and Identical mermaid to the movie because of copyright laws (which I totally understand) but she would be more than happy to draw a mermaid on the cake for me.
Now if someone OFFERS to draw me something, and If that person owns their on cake business, I assumed that she was a great artist and that it was going to be an awesome mermaid.
Well I had Niles pick up the cake the day of the party, as I was getting things picked up around the house for when everyone came over that night. She showed him the cake before he payed for it and of course he didn't know whether to say something to her or not, so he paid for it and brought it home for me to look at! I took one look at it and was instantly shocked!!!!!! Niles knew that I was not going to be happy with it, and the cake ended up being the joke of the night!!! It was hideous!!! The woman has no artistic ability what so ever!!!
I'm not saying that the cake was bad in any way, because it was one of the best cakes I've ever eaten...BUT I'll never ask her to draw anything but the standard flowers from here on out!!! And well Dorian this is a first birthday party that we will never forget and we will never let you forget when you are older!!! Because as the picture had a really ugly first birthday cake! ha ha ha