Friday, June 26, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Crazy Kids
I took this clip yesterday of Dorian being a dork. She likes to get herself into strange places and squeeze into small spaces! She does this a lot and gets stuck a lot and usually doesn't fit in most spaces she tries to get to! ha ha ha BUT anyways, This video clip is really funny. I know I probably should have put down the camera and helped her get "un-stuck"...but honestly it was to priceless and I couldn't stop recording! ha ha ha
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Okay so this blog is strictly to vent....
One, I just got back from the vet and I have an update on Mister. The doctor gave me this HUGE lecture on what they had to do with him and the possibilities of what MIGHT be wrong with him...but his official diagnosis was this...He said that my cat has "behavioral problems." I said okay on the phone and hung up. I waited for Dorian to get up from her nap and then we headed down to the vet to get our Mister P. I was fine with this until I received the bill.
I paid 94.52 to find out that my cat is a jerk!!!! SERIOUSLY!!! WHAT!!!! I'm livid!!! Honestly, 94.52 to find out that my cat is an asshole. (pardon my language) But that is really what it is, and quite honestly I could have told you that before he went two days ago. That is really the reason we sent him to get checked out in the first place.
SO yes, there is no MEDICAL reason that Mister is peeing all over the house and pooping outside of the litter box, other than he just wants to and nothing is going to fix it.
Two, At work today my boss and I got into a little disagreement. She told me that she would never allow her child to wear ONLY a diaper around her house. She says it is unacceptable and she was clothes on her baby 24/7. She laughed as if this was normal until I piped up and said that Dorian usually just plays in her diaper at night because it is to hot to have clothes on. My boss looked at me like I came from a white trash family and had no morals.
Okay so I posted a message on face book to see how many mothers let their babies romp around in diapers...and more people responded that I ever though would. So I do live a normal life and let my child be normal. But why mus people make other people feel naive...REALLY?!?!?!?!
So today I am a mother who lets their child wear only a diaper to play in and am 100 dollars poorer....:)
One, I just got back from the vet and I have an update on Mister. The doctor gave me this HUGE lecture on what they had to do with him and the possibilities of what MIGHT be wrong with him...but his official diagnosis was this...He said that my cat has "behavioral problems." I said okay on the phone and hung up. I waited for Dorian to get up from her nap and then we headed down to the vet to get our Mister P. I was fine with this until I received the bill.
I paid 94.52 to find out that my cat is a jerk!!!! SERIOUSLY!!! WHAT!!!! I'm livid!!! Honestly, 94.52 to find out that my cat is an asshole. (pardon my language) But that is really what it is, and quite honestly I could have told you that before he went two days ago. That is really the reason we sent him to get checked out in the first place.
SO yes, there is no MEDICAL reason that Mister is peeing all over the house and pooping outside of the litter box, other than he just wants to and nothing is going to fix it.
Two, At work today my boss and I got into a little disagreement. She told me that she would never allow her child to wear ONLY a diaper around her house. She says it is unacceptable and she was clothes on her baby 24/7. She laughed as if this was normal until I piped up and said that Dorian usually just plays in her diaper at night because it is to hot to have clothes on. My boss looked at me like I came from a white trash family and had no morals.
Okay so I posted a message on face book to see how many mothers let their babies romp around in diapers...and more people responded that I ever though would. So I do live a normal life and let my child be normal. But why mus people make other people feel naive...REALLY?!?!?!?!
So today I am a mother who lets their child wear only a diaper to play in and am 100 dollars poorer....:)
Life Is Good
Dorian had a check up today on the base and we have great results to report! She is 29 inches long and 22.5 pounds! Her iron levels are awesome the lady claims, it is at a level of 13.5! Yikes! She is getting so big! Walking, and talking, eating solid foods, and the other day at the pool she was flirting with boys...where in the world has the time gone?!?!?!? Crazy huh?!?! But so far so good...Aunt Renee "Life is good"!!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009
New Best Friends!
Although Mister isn't that fond of Misses...Dorian on the other hand is in LOVE with her. She has a new fascination with the cats now that Misses has become part of our home. She will pick up the kitten and carry her around the house, drag her by the arms to show her certain toys, lay her head on her fur to feel how soft it is, etc etc etc. Dorian could play for hours with Misses if we let her or if Misses allowed it. Dorian follows Misses around the house, occasionally grabs for her tail, or ears, and/or to pull her fur...but Misses does not bite back or scratch! They are best friends I swear!!!! Misses is Dorian's kitten!!!
Mister has now become the over protective one with Dorian. He stands back and makes sure that nothing bad is happening to Dorian and really will jump at Misses if she trys to be ruff with Dorian. Really weird how the wheels have turned with the cats in our home! Very entertaining I must say! ha ha ha

Mister has now become the over protective one with Dorian. He stands back and makes sure that nothing bad is happening to Dorian and really will jump at Misses if she trys to be ruff with Dorian. Really weird how the wheels have turned with the cats in our home! Very entertaining I must say! ha ha ha
Mister and Misses
When I became about 20 weeks pregnant with Addy, Mister began to act really weird. He started craving more and more attention from Niles and I, as well as not using his litter box properly. He started to go to the bathroom right beside the box instead of in it. We assumed it was because we were becoming busier than normal and he just needed a friend to give him the attention he was craving.
So about 5 weeks ago we started the search for a buddy for Mister. We first tried a male kitten from a local pet shop. The kitten ended up being very sick and had to be returned for obvious reasons. Two weeks after this we decided to visit the local animal shelter. As soon as we walked in a cute kitten started to play with Dorian and I in her cage. The lady working explained to us that the kitten we were playing with was really hyper, crazy, and very loving. Right then we knew she had to come home with us! ha ha ha
So we adopted Misses at 3 months old. She is still to small to get spayed or declawed, but the vet will do the procedure as soon as she weighs more than 3 pounds.
We ASSUMED that this is what Mister needed and/or wanted...WRONG!!! Like I said he was not using his litter box properly before we tried a friend for him....but now it is out of control. He will sit by Misses (now, he didn't 3 weeks ago), and follow her around to make sure he knows where she is...but as far as becoming friends, not going to happen!
I called the vet and explained this whole story to her, she suggested we bring Mister in for an exam and over night evaluation to make sure there isn't an internal infection or something else wrong before we make any decisions on his future....So I will update on Tuesday the results of his tests.
But for now we have a Mister and Misses that are here to stay...both adopted, both identical in color, and both really REALLY crazy cats!!! :)

So about 5 weeks ago we started the search for a buddy for Mister. We first tried a male kitten from a local pet shop. The kitten ended up being very sick and had to be returned for obvious reasons. Two weeks after this we decided to visit the local animal shelter. As soon as we walked in a cute kitten started to play with Dorian and I in her cage. The lady working explained to us that the kitten we were playing with was really hyper, crazy, and very loving. Right then we knew she had to come home with us! ha ha ha
So we adopted Misses at 3 months old. She is still to small to get spayed or declawed, but the vet will do the procedure as soon as she weighs more than 3 pounds.
We ASSUMED that this is what Mister needed and/or wanted...WRONG!!! Like I said he was not using his litter box properly before we tried a friend for him....but now it is out of control. He will sit by Misses (now, he didn't 3 weeks ago), and follow her around to make sure he knows where she is...but as far as becoming friends, not going to happen!
I called the vet and explained this whole story to her, she suggested we bring Mister in for an exam and over night evaluation to make sure there isn't an internal infection or something else wrong before we make any decisions on his future....So I will update on Tuesday the results of his tests.
But for now we have a Mister and Misses that are here to stay...both adopted, both identical in color, and both really REALLY crazy cats!!! :)
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Dorian Update: Roseola
Dorian update....
She no longer has a fever and her eyes are not puffy and she is eating a little more. The Vomiting has lingered and she is still drinking as much liquid as she can. BUT....a weird rash has appeared all over her body. Mainly on her neck, back, torso, and arms.
All day I've been trying to convince myself that she is okay and to not freak out. Niles has been telling me the same thing as well as my babysitter! ha ha ha
So after reading a comment from my friend Brandi about what happened to her littler boy Dylan when he was Dorians age it made me think maybe I'm not crazy. She told me about her son's weird virus that he had called Roseola. She said it was enough to make her go crazy trying to figure out what was wrong with him...but that you only treat the symptoms and it will go away on its own.
So I looked up on what it was...the cause, treatment, and symptoms. Turns out, it is exactly what she has. Made a phone call to the clinic on base and they verified that this is probably what it was and that It is very common among 9-12 month old.
So thank you Brandi!!! It really helps having friends and family that already have or had children to get me through stuff like this! ha ha ha Between Nurse Grandma, Aunt Renee, Brandi, my babysitter Katie, and Niles...I'm getting through this being a mom thing with flying colors! ha ha ha
So here is what I found on the topic...I thought it was interesting so I pasted it below! :
Roseola - Topic Overview
What is roseola?
Roseola (roseola infantum) is a mild illness caused by a virus. It is generally harmless and is most common in children 6 months to 2 years of age. It is rare after age 4.
What causes roseola?
Roseola is caused by two common viruses. The viruses belong to the family of herpes viruses, but they do not cause the cold sores or genital infections that herpes simplex viruses can cause. They are spread through tiny droplets of fluid from the nose and throat of infected people when they laugh, talk, sneeze, or cough. Roseola mostly spreads from infected people who don’t show symptoms.
If your child has roseola, keep him or her at home until there has been no fever for 24 hours and he or she is feeling better.
What are the symptoms of roseola?
Roseola often starts with a sudden high fever [103 F to 105 F] that lasts 2 to 3 days, although it can last up to 8 days. The rapid increase in temperature may be the first sign of roseola and often occurs before you realize that your child has a fever. The fever ends suddenly.
After the fever ends, a rosy-pink rash may appear mostly on the trunk (torso), neck, and arms. The rash is not itchy and may last 1 to 2 days.
In rare cases, a sore throat, stomach ache, vomiting, and diarrhea occur.
A child with roseola may appear fussy or irritable and may have a decreased appetite, but most children behave almost normally.
How is roseola diagnosed?
Roseola is diagnosed through a medical history and physical exam. The doctor often knows it's roseola if your child had a fever and now has a distinct rash.
How is roseola treated?
The roseola fever can be managed with acetaminophen (such as Tylenol or Panadol), ibuprofen (such as Advil or Motrin), or sponge baths. Do not give aspirin to anyone younger than 20 years of age because of the risk of Reye syndrome.
The roseola rash will go away without medical treatment.
Should I worry if my child has roseola?
Roseola generally is a harmless viral infection. Like any illness that can cause a fever, it can cause fever seizures, which are uncontrolled muscle spasms and unresponsiveness that last 1 to 3 minutes. The fever seizure is caused by the rapid increase in temperature in a short period of time. After a fever has reached a high temperature, the risk of a seizure is probably over. Fever seizures are not a form of epilepsy. For more information, see the topic Fever Seizures.
She no longer has a fever and her eyes are not puffy and she is eating a little more. The Vomiting has lingered and she is still drinking as much liquid as she can. BUT....a weird rash has appeared all over her body. Mainly on her neck, back, torso, and arms.
All day I've been trying to convince myself that she is okay and to not freak out. Niles has been telling me the same thing as well as my babysitter! ha ha ha
So after reading a comment from my friend Brandi about what happened to her littler boy Dylan when he was Dorians age it made me think maybe I'm not crazy. She told me about her son's weird virus that he had called Roseola. She said it was enough to make her go crazy trying to figure out what was wrong with him...but that you only treat the symptoms and it will go away on its own.
So I looked up on what it was...the cause, treatment, and symptoms. Turns out, it is exactly what she has. Made a phone call to the clinic on base and they verified that this is probably what it was and that It is very common among 9-12 month old.
So thank you Brandi!!! It really helps having friends and family that already have or had children to get me through stuff like this! ha ha ha Between Nurse Grandma, Aunt Renee, Brandi, my babysitter Katie, and Niles...I'm getting through this being a mom thing with flying colors! ha ha ha
So here is what I found on the topic...I thought it was interesting so I pasted it below! :
Roseola - Topic Overview
What is roseola?
Roseola (roseola infantum) is a mild illness caused by a virus. It is generally harmless and is most common in children 6 months to 2 years of age. It is rare after age 4.
What causes roseola?
Roseola is caused by two common viruses. The viruses belong to the family of herpes viruses, but they do not cause the cold sores or genital infections that herpes simplex viruses can cause. They are spread through tiny droplets of fluid from the nose and throat of infected people when they laugh, talk, sneeze, or cough. Roseola mostly spreads from infected people who don’t show symptoms.
If your child has roseola, keep him or her at home until there has been no fever for 24 hours and he or she is feeling better.
What are the symptoms of roseola?
Roseola often starts with a sudden high fever [103 F to 105 F] that lasts 2 to 3 days, although it can last up to 8 days. The rapid increase in temperature may be the first sign of roseola and often occurs before you realize that your child has a fever. The fever ends suddenly.
After the fever ends, a rosy-pink rash may appear mostly on the trunk (torso), neck, and arms. The rash is not itchy and may last 1 to 2 days.
In rare cases, a sore throat, stomach ache, vomiting, and diarrhea occur.
A child with roseola may appear fussy or irritable and may have a decreased appetite, but most children behave almost normally.
How is roseola diagnosed?
Roseola is diagnosed through a medical history and physical exam. The doctor often knows it's roseola if your child had a fever and now has a distinct rash.
How is roseola treated?
The roseola fever can be managed with acetaminophen (such as Tylenol or Panadol), ibuprofen (such as Advil or Motrin), or sponge baths. Do not give aspirin to anyone younger than 20 years of age because of the risk of Reye syndrome.
The roseola rash will go away without medical treatment.
Should I worry if my child has roseola?
Roseola generally is a harmless viral infection. Like any illness that can cause a fever, it can cause fever seizures, which are uncontrolled muscle spasms and unresponsiveness that last 1 to 3 minutes. The fever seizure is caused by the rapid increase in temperature in a short period of time. After a fever has reached a high temperature, the risk of a seizure is probably over. Fever seizures are not a form of epilepsy. For more information, see the topic Fever Seizures.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Me versus Betty Crocker
I really think my cookies are better than the store bought ones!!! I don't know about me sometimes, because honestly I really hate to cook or do anything that involves the stove! But for some reason, with this pregnancy, I've got the ambition to make things. I've attempted tortellini salad (which turned out really great), muffins, cookies, brownies, lasagna...all which have turned out really well. So why don't I do it more often...who knows!?!??!
This weekend all I wanted in the entire world was a sugar cookie with a lot of icing on it. So for a hour I looked online for a decent/easy recipe for both cookies and icing. I've never made these kind of cookies before but was determined that I needed the cookies ASAP! ha ha ha
Niles and I went out and got what we needed and went to town. I must say Niles did help me make these. I had a little trouble rolling out the doe, it was too sticky. But he did it with ease, and the rest is history!
Maybe I am born to be a baker....NOT! But seriously These cookies would kick Betty Crockers Butt any day! ha ha ha

This weekend all I wanted in the entire world was a sugar cookie with a lot of icing on it. So for a hour I looked online for a decent/easy recipe for both cookies and icing. I've never made these kind of cookies before but was determined that I needed the cookies ASAP! ha ha ha
Niles and I went out and got what we needed and went to town. I must say Niles did help me make these. I had a little trouble rolling out the doe, it was too sticky. But he did it with ease, and the rest is history!
Maybe I am born to be a baker....NOT! But seriously These cookies would kick Betty Crockers Butt any day! ha ha ha
A Sick Little Girl
This past weekend our little Dorian has been sick. What is wrong with her, I still have yet to figure it out. It started on Friday afternoon with grouchiness. Daddy thought It may just be a sign a nap was in need. She awoke from her nap with a temp of almost 102 and very very VERY miserable! As the weekend continued it didn't get any better. Dorian does not sit still for anyone or anything! For an entire day did nothing but lay around with Daddy and myself watching movies and baby Einsteins. WEIRD!
So I thought it might just be a teething thing, until she stopped eating! So Niles ran out to Walmart and grabbed some liquids for her. We've kept her well hydrated and hoped for the best. I said by Monday if nothing has changed I was going to the doctors.
It is Monday and we woke up temperature and in good spirits. Come to find out she is still refusing to eat...and if she does it is half the amount normally eaten. Now I've JUST picked her up from day care and the temp is back along with the grouchiness and refusal to eat.
Teething or Virus?!?!?!?

So I thought it might just be a teething thing, until she stopped eating! So Niles ran out to Walmart and grabbed some liquids for her. We've kept her well hydrated and hoped for the best. I said by Monday if nothing has changed I was going to the doctors.
It is Monday and we woke up temperature and in good spirits. Come to find out she is still refusing to eat...and if she does it is half the amount normally eaten. Now I've JUST picked her up from day care and the temp is back along with the grouchiness and refusal to eat.
Teething or Virus?!?!?!?
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