So about 5 weeks ago we started the search for a buddy for Mister. We first tried a male kitten from a local pet shop. The kitten ended up being very sick and had to be returned for obvious reasons. Two weeks after this we decided to visit the local animal shelter. As soon as we walked in a cute kitten started to play with Dorian and I in her cage. The lady working explained to us that the kitten we were playing with was really hyper, crazy, and very loving. Right then we knew she had to come home with us! ha ha ha
So we adopted Misses at 3 months old. She is still to small to get spayed or declawed, but the vet will do the procedure as soon as she weighs more than 3 pounds.
We ASSUMED that this is what Mister needed and/or wanted...WRONG!!! Like I said he was not using his litter box properly before we tried a friend for him....but now it is out of control. He will sit by Misses (now, he didn't 3 weeks ago), and follow her around to make sure he knows where she is...but as far as becoming friends, not going to happen!
I called the vet and explained this whole story to her, she suggested we bring Mister in for an exam and over night evaluation to make sure there isn't an internal infection or something else wrong before we make any decisions on his future....So I will update on Tuesday the results of his tests.
But for now we have a Mister and Misses that are here to stay...both adopted, both identical in color, and both really REALLY crazy cats!!! :)
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