I only stayed in the hospital for 24 hours but our stay was memorable!! Addy was born on the bathroom floor because she came so quickly there was no time for me to get into a bed for a normal delivery!!! She came within two pushes, yay!!! Addy was a little bruised up because of how quickly she came but within 24 hours she is as beautiful as they come!
If you compare Dorian and Addy's pictures from their first days out they are completely different. Dorian didn't have any hair at all, and really is JUST now getting hair at a year old, and Addy has a huge head of hair. AND it is brown!!! Dorian was huge and Addy is very slender. Dorain took over 28 hours to come into this world, and Addy only took two pushes and an extra hour of labor! Totally two different babies...you would never suspect they are sisters! Very interesting!!
During our stay our very good friends (who kept Dorian overnight for us) brought Dorian up to visit! She ran around the room for a couple of hours and really doesn't get who Addy is yet. She isn't jealous and she isn't obsessed. She is in her own little world of exploring and playing right now. Later down the road she will be more interested but as for now we are just going with the flow. The hospital brought us a fancy breakfast with flowers and fancy gourmet decorations...it was super yummy! And at 4pm today we were allowed to come home!
So as of right now we are relaxing with our new baby girl and Dorian is in bed...and tomorrow is another fun filled, stressed out, exciting/exhausting day! I will post more pictures later...we have tons..I'm just really tired and am going to bed now! ha ha ha More of Addeline to come..PROMISE!

She is so darn cute!!! I love her! I love both of them! Can't wait to meet you ADdie! And Dorian...Aunt Renee will bring you somethign special...since your mom and dad went and traded you in on a newer model!! ha ha ha! Love you guys!~
She is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Can't wait to see & hold her. I'm just so thankful you are both OK. Am still in Danville, so Grandma & Pop Pop have seen your blog too. They also think she's gorgeous But admit they are slightly prejudiced, & think she is a "pretty good size". Call me when you feel up to it. Will be leaving here after lunch today, work the rest of the week, but only till 3 pm on Thur, Fri & Sat,(with nurse aide class).I love you all so very much.
Alyssa and Niles and baby girls....wow, you are a family of four! Amazing how that changes so darn quickly. She is adorable and I can't wait to see her. Lysa, I'll call you after you get to DuBois and on a weekend I'm there so I can come over and see you all. Good luck with your beautiful baby girls!!
Sounds great shell! Can't wait for you to meet them!!! :)
Alyssa, This is your Aunt Linda. Congratualtions!!! You have two beautiful daughters. I hear you are leaving NM soon for a stay in PA. Would love to hear from you.
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