As everyone knows by now Dorian is walking train wreck. She is super uncoordinated, falls and runs into EVERYTHING, and is always getting into something she shouldn't or doing something dangerous! This is who she is and it hasn't changed since you've last seen her. Knowing this I just expect a day full of a lot of "no-no's" and a lot of crying.
Lately it is getting worse. She fully understands what "no" means and chooses to do the opposite! She runs and hides when she knows she is doing something wrong...cute as she is...she has been spending a lot of time in time-out land! ha ha ha
On top of her crazy personality she is very caring. She is becoming a GREAT sister. I think maybe it may be because Addy is more alert and becoming someone she can interact with. For instance...EVERY time Addy has something (food, drool, etc.) coming out of her mouth she will run and get a rag from the cupboard and wipe Addy's mouth for her. When she sees a bottle of formula she will pick it up (and this may be 30 times a day she does this) and gives it to Addy. Now mind you Addy doesn't always want her bottle, but she will try to shove it in her mouth regardless! FUNNY!
When Addy cries or has the hiccups, Dorian is right there patting her back or butt to calm her down. When she is awake there are a lot of kisses to be given from Dorian. She now will hold Addy's hand and make an attempt to interact with her. Really life IS getting easier on my end. There is light at the end of the tunnel....I CAN SEE IT!
Don't get me wrong, we have a long way to go...Dorian still pokes Addy in the eye, she still can be a little to rough with her head, and sometimes tries to pick her up. BUT...can't ask for everything at once, right?!?!?
My Dorian is getting so big. And in the past few days I've really got a taste of how big she is really getting. It is sad and uplifting at the same time. She doesn't need me as much as she used to which is GREAT, but at the same time I miss doing it all!
What the world holds for my little D...and what D holds for the world! :)
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