Once we get to Little Rock we will be there until November. Niles has a training for his new job that begins June 8th and has an estimated ending date of November 18th. There is a possibility it may end later due to weather and having to make up classes, but this is what we know as of right now. Our follow on orders state we will move to North Carolina and be stationed at Pope Air Force Base. Once we receive our "official" orders we will find and lock in a house and begin getting our things for the second part of our move.
This move means that we are one step closer to being back on the East Coast and closer to our family and friends! This excites us to no-end!!!! We've wanted this for a long time and can not wait for it to be finally over! But also are excited to take full advantage of being in Little Rock and getting to see places we wouldn't have had a chance to with out the military making our lives so crazy! ha ha
We don't plan on getting internet while we are in Little rock. So I won't be able to post blogs as easily. I will keep you all updated as possible and keep the pictures coming. I have internet on our phone so we "plan" on using that for the basic needs and living a summer free of our 'distracting' internet!!! ha ha (we'll see how that pans out! ha ha)
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