Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dorian and Mommy's Sick Days!

This blog has no relevance! Just random videos of the past four days. Dorian went to the doctors on Monday morning and they told me she has bronchiolitis. She started to get really sick friday night, and by saturday it was crazy sick. So basically it is a really bad chest cold. She was told to drink a lot of water and get plenty of sleep. So mommy had to take a couple days of work and we spent a lot of time hanging out by ourselves! So Here is from the last four days of mommy and dorian's sick days! Dorian is feeling much better, today was the first day she has started to act like herself. So that means Back to day care tomorrow and mommy has to go back to work... :(. But we had fun...the animals had fun, and dorian was smash hit with both of them! Today we got a present from Aunt Debbie, and I promised her I would video Dorian playing with her new toy! Thank you Debs, she truly loved it and so did I! We love you and miss you! Here are the random pictures and video...ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

25 Things...Just for you Mom!

Okay so the new thing on facebook is to fill out twenty-five random things about you and send it to your friends so they can in return do the same thing. Almost everyone has done it, and my sister a couple weeks ago posted hers to her blog. My mom, who has become very computer savy in her day wanted to read mine and compare and contrast with my sister...soooooooo here you go! Enjoy! Here are 25 random things about myself!

1. I love the movie "The Little Mermaid" I could watch it non-stop all day and not get bored.

2. My favorite meal is hotdogs on the grill with baked beans and pasta salad.

3. I love piture frames and have a million of them and plan to cover all of my walls with them one day!

4. I have a 6 month old and am 10 weeks pregnant, and as crazy as it might be I actually planned this to be this way!

5. I wanted a Shit-zu dog so bad and now that I have one I don't want it...but am going to keep it anyway!

6. As much as I joke about it, I really do Miss my husband when he leaves on deployments and Don't want him to go.

7. I love my child but get really grossed out by her drooling ha ha ha

8. I actually don't mind living in New Mexico...for as much as I complain about it.

9. If my honnymoon was at disneyworld i'd be on cloud nine!

10. I just found out that I can't see and had to get glasses!

11. I hope to get my master's degree one day in Social Work!

12. I can be REALLY bitchy and moody...and cry A LOT, even when not pregnant, I cry a lot!

13. I miss my brothers and Sister more than I think anyone knows....I've grown really close to them over the past two years and really wish I was in driving distance.

14. I can't cook, and really wish i knew how too but have no motivation to sit down and learn...

15. i really feel that things happen for a reason, and i was suppost to get married and have a baby after 2 months, and that I was really meant to live in New mexico...that everything happens for a reason and one thing leads to another for one huge purpose.

16. I used to think Karma was a bitch, but life proved me wrong on that in the past two months.

17. I'm a closet broadway fanatic! Love every musical known to man kind, and know all of the words to Rent! ha ha ha

18. If I could get paid at the age of 25 to be a cheerleader, it to me would be the perfect job!

19. One day I would Love to actually have a real wedding, even if it is 20 years down the road.

20. I talk way to much and sometimes it gets me in trouble because I can't shut up!

21. I work at chili's because I settled and became to lazy to look for another job.

22. Deep in side I really truly hope that I'm a good mother, and don't screw my kids lives up to much.

23. Have the best friends a person could ask for, even from across the US I feel the love and support!

24. Love oversized sweatpants and hoodies! Could wear them 24.7

25. I will try my hardest to never own a mini-van!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Our little warrior!

So early this morning we were up and ready to play. We've fallen numerous times but have always gotten up and brushed it off. Well this morning was a little different! We have discovered that we aren't as indestructible as we thought! So here is a picture of Dorian's first battle wound! She was trying to walk from the door that goes outside to the computer desk. She made it 3/4 of the way and just fell. It was exciting she is taking new risks and trying to take steps now, but soooo sad to see her get hurt. So here is our little warrior...and her little cut on her head! Go Dorian!

So Dorian is also sick. She has a very bad cough that is just not going away. We are actually going to see the doctor on monday morning to see what is really wrong. But because I'm not to sure about what to do in these situations, being a first time mommy, I called my mother. Figured with her being a mother and a nurse she might have an idea or two of how to handle this until monday! While I was on the phone with her I set Dorian down on the Kitchen rugs with a few animal crackers while I went to pee. Last week I washed both rugs because of a mess the cat made and for some reason the rugs are super clingy to clothes. Dorians but is like glued to the rugs when she sits on them. I was literally gone for about 30 seconds, when I walked into the kitchen this is what I saw! The rugs were so clingy that when she went to crawl after me her pants stayed behind and she crawled right out of them! My mom on the phone is asking over and over again what happened?!?!? because I'm laughing sooooo hard at my daughter that is pants less! ha ha ha

And last but not least a recent video I took in Dorians favorite room! Nothing exciting just an update for our daddy who is so far away and misses his little girl!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Recent Pictures

Hope everyone had a great valentine's day! Here are pictures of random stuff like The flowers I got on valentines day from Niles. It was a really cool flower display, so i'm sharing the pictures! And random pictures of Dorian from the past couple of weeks I never got around to posting! Hope all is well with everyone!

Ultimate Destruction

I figured I'd show everyone what my house looks like by the end of the day. I've learned not to pick up after Dorian during the day because as soon as you put something back on a shelf she just turns around and rips it right back off again. It is actually kind of funny because it starts out in a slow process of dragging things across the floor and then by the end of the day the dvd's get thrown around and there is nothing holding our dear dorian back! ha ha ha

Monday, February 9, 2009

Always something new

Yesterday was a big day in our little house! I put Dorian down for her regular 2pm nap and around 4pm she started to whimper. As I always do, slowly make my way up the stairs to get her out of her crib. I always keep the door closed for safety reasons, I love my cat I just don't trust him! But this has become something Dorian has gotten used to, as soon as the door starts to swing open she starts to get super excited to see me! Well today was different, as I swung the door open slowly and looked to see how excited Dorian was going to be on this particular day, my mouth hit the floor. There she was standing there looking at me with all smiles! I was in shock! She has never been able to stand up in her crib, nor has she ever tried! But there she was, pulled herself up and was standing there waiting for me to get her!

So we went downstairs and I really needed to tell someone, I was in shock for a good hour after this happened, I called my mom! She was ecstatic for Dorian to be learning so quickly and advised me that the crib needed to be lowered as soon as possible! Also, she asked if I got a picture of it! No I didn't, because honestly I sat there and looked at her for a good 5 minutes before I could process what was going on! ha ha ha

So the second phone call about his monumental step in Dorian's life was made to my best friend in NM, Liz! I explained to her what happened and she instantly shipped her husband over to my house to lower the crib! (I would have tried to do it myself, but honestly it would have taken hours!) And with all of the excitement of learning new things, someone didn't sleep a wink last night! Every hour on the hour Dorian was up standing in her crib, and COULDN'T GET DOWN! ha ha ha

So a day later, here are some pictures of the monster standing! Not in her crib, but just try to imagine in her crib and you'll get the picture! ha ha ha

Dorian vs. Mister

About two weeks ago my babysitter decided to take my, somewhat expensive, baby Einstein car toys off of Dorian's car seat. These are toys that attach onto the handles of the car seat to keep your kids entertained in the car (for those non-moms who read my blog, ha ha ha). This car toy I bought was to help with kids development and make your kid like 100 percent smarter by just looking at it, ha ha ha. Anyways, she replaces it with a sting (from an old x-mas present) that she tied onto the handle and attached to it a pink ball that used to be a cat toy she found in her house! Yes, whatever you are thinking right now has already gone through my head and out of my mouth a couple hundred times!

I never said anything, figured it wasn't worth complaining about or getting into an argument with her, so I left it on Dorian's car carrier. Yes, I went into walmart with a cat toy hanging from the seat and everywhere else you can possibly think of. I can only imagine what people thought about me ha ha ha.

So the toy was actually a big hit, not only to Dorian but with my cat mister (go figure, right?!?!?). Both Dorian and Mister would sit there, out of the car seat, and bat the ball back and forth for hours! Well for the past two days things have gotten out of hand HA HA HA. Mister used his teeth and cut the string to release the ball. Mister LOVES that ball BUT so does Dorian! Dorian chases it around on the floor and all every five minutes I hear this scream like no other. Mister (the damn cat) literally steals the ball right out Dorian's hands and runs into another room. Dorian, very angry at this with tears coming down her face, crawls after mister where ever he goes with the ball and tries to get it back. No lie this is what happens for most of my day! I have to break up fights between the cat and my daughter over this STUPID pink cat toy, which by the way has a jingle bell in it (that is so great for your sanity!) and is super noisy!

But we've gone to some lengths to get a hold of this ball, and Dorian has put herself in some not so great places to get the pink ball before the cat got it! I can't believe I'm even writing a blog about a cat toy but seriously this is has been my day for the past two weeks! ha ha ha

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Rylan is on the way!

For those of you who know and those of you who don't know...we are expecting a fourth member to our family! I went in today to hear the heart beat of the little baby and come to find out they messed up my due date! So they squeezed me into get a quick ultra sound and here is the little one! I'm now due on September 12th, which puts me at 8 weeks and 4 days along today! We are very excited, and planned this pregnancy! We are going to find out the sex of the baby when the time comes to better prepare ourselves! And the name as of today for our new ball of sunshine is Rylan! So here are the first pictures of Rylan Putnam! In the first picture the black circle is his/her brain. Rylan is upside down really! But you can see little arms and legs! We are excited and can't wait! I will keep you all posted when new informations comes my way!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday!

I thought that being the neighboring state to Arizona that I wouldn't see a single steelers fan anywhere! But boy was I WRONG! D and I went to walmart and I am not kidding that as soon as we walked into the store, all you saw was black and gold! Everyone cheered when they saw Dorian in her Steelers outfit...it was really funny! Liz and Chris came over and we yelled at the TV for the first two quarters until they had to leave! Dorian didn't make it past the third quarter, but don't worry mommy woke her up at the end of the 4th cuz she yelled to loud! ha ha ha But it was a lot of fun...and YAY STEELERS!!!!

How I Found Her!

Dorian and I layed down together for an afternoon nap the other day. An hour into the Nap I heard some ruffling around in her crib upstairs. I just figured she was just waking up and there was no need to rush to get her because maybe she would just fall back asleep! Little did I know the little girl never went to sleep! This is exactly how I found her! And When I saw this histerical sight I RAN down the stairs and grabbed the camera, because really someone else needs to see how funny she really is!