I never said anything, figured it wasn't worth complaining about or getting into an argument with her, so I left it on Dorian's car carrier. Yes, I went into walmart with a cat toy hanging from the seat and everywhere else you can possibly think of. I can only imagine what people thought about me ha ha ha.
So the toy was actually a big hit, not only to Dorian but with my cat mister (go figure, right?!?!?). Both Dorian and Mister would sit there, out of the car seat, and bat the ball back and forth for hours! Well for the past two days things have gotten out of hand HA HA HA. Mister used his teeth and cut the string to release the ball. Mister LOVES that ball BUT so does Dorian! Dorian chases it around on the floor and all every five minutes I hear this scream like no other. Mister (the damn cat) literally steals the ball right out Dorian's hands and runs into another room. Dorian, very angry at this with tears coming down her face, crawls after mister where ever he goes with the ball and tries to get it back. No lie this is what happens for most of my day! I have to break up fights between the cat and my daughter over this STUPID pink cat toy, which by the way has a jingle bell in it (that is so great for your sanity!) and is super noisy!
But we've gone to some lengths to get a hold of this ball, and Dorian has put herself in some not so great places to get the pink ball before the cat got it! I can't believe I'm even writing a blog about a cat toy but seriously this is has been my day for the past two weeks! ha ha ha
1 comment:
LMAO! I've got nothing else to say except this is the funniest thing I have read in a long time. I laughed so hard. I seriously had tears coming out of my eyes! Don't you love when their favorite thing to play with was not intended to be a toy, lol.
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