So we went downstairs and I really needed to tell someone, I was in shock for a good hour after this happened, I called my mom! She was ecstatic for Dorian to be learning so quickly and advised me that the crib needed to be lowered as soon as possible! Also, she asked if I got a picture of it! No I didn't, because honestly I sat there and looked at her for a good 5 minutes before I could process what was going on! ha ha ha
So the second phone call about his monumental step in Dorian's life was made to my best friend in NM, Liz! I explained to her what happened and she instantly shipped her husband over to my house to lower the crib! (I would have tried to do it myself, but honestly it would have taken hours!) And with all of the excitement of learning new things, someone didn't sleep a wink last night! Every hour on the hour Dorian was up standing in her crib, and COULDN'T GET DOWN! ha ha ha
So a day later, here are some pictures of the monster standing! Not in her crib, but just try to imagine in her crib and you'll get the picture! ha ha ha
Uh oh....Mommy will be in for some fun now! She is learning all of her motor skills very very fast. I can't believe how early she has decided to get moving, lol. Oh dear I do remember the days of being stuck standing up, lol. Dylan went through the same thing....waking up in the middle of the night...standing up...not knowing how to get back down, lol!
She just has the sweetest face! At least she wasnt screaming that she couldnt figure out how to sit down :) I remember Benjamin did that...he was so happy to stand up then had no idea what to do next...haha
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