Nana, Poppop, Grandma, Uncle Brian, Uncle Mark, Uncle Patrick, Uncle Derek, Aunt Debbie, and Aunt Summer were all there to be apart of Dorian's special day! It was quite the even I must say ha ha ha. To start off the morning, I woke up with the worst stomache virus God could have possibley given me! (it is funny to me now! ha ha ha) So all morning I was laying around soo sick! Everyone got ready and we ALL (including all three of my brothers, not that I would have doubted Brian...But Mark and Patrick all attended) got ready and went to mass at 11am! Following mass at 12:30 Msg. Sieffer Baptized D!
Dorian was so interested the entire time...looking everywhere and giggling/pulling my hair and eyes! It was hillarious...I dipped her down so they could pour the water on her head and she was looking back like "What the Hell are you doing to me strange man!" ha ha ha But all went well, and it was a great day!
People came from such long distances to be apart of our family and it truly means the world to us that they care so much! Thank you especially to Uncle Brian and Aunt Debbie for being the godparents of our baby D! It really really is awesome you both could make it for her Baptism and knowing that you two are there for us is such a heart warming feeling! Thank you!
And Grandma, thank you for having such a nice dinner for us afterwards and making this all happen. It was you that made the call to the church and arranged for the Baptism to take place! I'm so happy you are Dorians Grandma and my mother! I love you so much!
And for everyone else who was there and there in mind we love you and are so happy you are apart of our's and Dorians life! You are all the best family we could ever ask for!
After the Baptism (which was over in just enough time to get home for kick off) we went home, ate lots of really great food, and watched the steelers game! They lost but baby D had her steelers gear on and game face put on to root them to a victory!
Oh Alyssa, Dorian is so beautiful!!! I am so glad that I got to meet her while you were in PA. Hope you had a fun Christmas and New Year!
Hey! White shelves are from Target. Not too expensive either. They are perfect for little man with shelves, drawers, etc.
How beautiful your baby D looked!! Glad you had such a good time back in PA. I wish I would have been home to see everyone!
Luv u girl, Shelli
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