Here are some recent pictures...the first one is of Dorian in her 12 month sleeper that I kid you not had to squeeze onto her...she is bustin out it is so tight on her...HA HA HA

So there is no real reason for this post other than I charged up my camera, since it died on me last week and I shot a couple new pictures and videos of D. I'm not sure if the video will work, i've had a lot of trouble trying to upload yay for me if they do! Enjoy!
Wow...even more active than she was in FL...Keep that video coming...Love it.
OH my!! She is truly getting arounds so great! I don't think any of my kids crawled this early - in fact I know they didn't! She is born to be a gymnast!!! :0 Love the video!!!
WOW! She is really moving already! I can't believe how easily she pushes herself up. She is ready to go! I love her army crawl across the floor and over you. I see she pushes her butt up in the air and gets her feet under her too. I seriously can't believe how early she is doing all of this. Dylan didn't start crawling until he was pretty much ready to pull himself up and walk. I guess he didn't want to bother with crawling. Seriously are going to have your hands full considering how fast she is picking everything up, haha.
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