She was thinking about the roll over to her stomach for a couple of weeks, and then finally just went for it! Cried for a few seconds and then realized, HEY this is really cool! So from then on out, it was nothing but splashing and chasing toys around in the tub! I'm talking she could be there for hours (as long as the water is warm) and not even care! Crazy little girl she is!
She can't control her sneezes yet! When she is in the tub and sneezes her head goes all of the way under the water ha ha ha...and honestly she still doesn't care, just continues on as she was playing in the water!
And might I add, this was never this way! We had to put up with crying for hours for the first 3 months of her life every time she was put into any kind of water! So I'm not sure when she came to like baths....but don't really care! Because life is good now!
Look at that BUMM BUMM lol keep posting i will read them as often as i can love you both!!
LOL...I am still laughing about the part when she sneezes that she dunks herself, haha. She is so freaking cute. At least she likes laying down in the water. She will spend lots of time playing and "swimming." Dylan is a little more stubborn and tries to walk all around the tub and do this little squat thing when I ask him to sit down. Or he'll try to scale the sides of the tub for fun. Wait until Dorian is strong, stubborn, and independent enough to start driving you crazy, LOL. Love the pics. Oh congrats on the new doggie too! I want a dog so bad but am not allowed to have one where I currently live...soon though, haha.
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