Saturday, April 10, 2010


We have made HUGE leaps and bounds in the past two weeks with Addeline. She is 100% mobile!! Before we left PA she was just learning to roll from her back onto her the time we arrived in NM she had it mastered!! The look in her eye had changed! She went from being unmotivated to move at all to wanting to go after EVERYTHING!!! She is a moving machine now!

This is Dorian on Easter day....happy with her little bucket of candy...and well she liked it better empty than full!

Once we got to NM she started popping herself up onto her hands and knees rocking back and forth. She wants to crawl so bad!!!

But instead of crawling she learned to plop her bumb up and sit!!! Just as well, she is happy with that! This has opened up a whole new world for Addeline!!

Once she is up on her bumb now she tries to go after everything!!! What she sees is what she gets!!! She still hasn't mastered crawling but scooting across the floor on her tummy works just as well!

And as you see we get into a LOT more trouble these days!!! She now gets into a LOT of things she shouldn't...and Big Sister isn't such a great role model either! ha ha

But either way...we are happy happy happy!!!

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