Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Box

The girls have been fighting a lot lately. Basically Dorian wants EVERYTHING that Addeline touches and takes it away from her, causing Addeline to get upset, etc etc etc. Soooo Niles and I have been trying to get them both to play together with the same toy. This usually doesn't end up in success but last night it did!!! ha ha

Item of the moment was a box. Yes, a simple box. But both wanted it, so we pushed for a team effort in playing together. First we suggest Dorian push her sister around in the box. This was fun, but to much work for her and she was getting tired. A light went off in Dorian's little head and she instantly jumped in with Addeline. Now let me say this, she NEVER wants to sit near her sister let alone have her sister sit on her lap...EVER!!! This was a 'moment' in the Putnam house! But Dorian let Addeline sit on her lap, AND even put her arms around her so she didn't fall over while Daddy pushed them around the house!


It was short lived because Addeline was tired, but progress!!!!

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