Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Christmas Morning Pictures

 We had a fantastic Christmas!  We started out the morning with breakfast and opening up presents at our home in North Carolina.  There was a lot of mess, frenzy, and crazy for about 2 hours but everyone was so thrilled with their presents there wasn't a person not smiling in the house!  These are just a few of the MANY pictures I took, but lets you see how happy the girls were opening up their presents! Dorian's big gift was her bike which she had been asking for for months!!! And Addy was happy with anything that made noise! 

This was really our "first" Christmas together, in our first actual home.  This is the first year in three that we've set up our Christmas tree and hung our stockings.  We almost forgot what the tree looked like it had been so long.  So this Christmas meant a lot to Niles and I to simply "be" in our home on Christmas morning.  We truly had the best time watching our girls rip the paper off of those presents!!!

After we opened up gifts we loaded the car and headed to my sister's house to be with my family for the rest of our Christmas weekend!!!  Those pictures will be in my next blog!!!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas too!!!! 

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