Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sharing Mommy's Toys!

My roommate in college my Junior year was Erin Wolfe. She and I LOVED the Disney princesses. She had a love for Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) and I loved Ariel (The Little Mermaid). Every holiday her mother would send her a care package and in her care packages she never failed to include me! She would send me little mermaid stickers and posters and pens/pencils!!! Well for Christmas Erin's mother send us a HUGE package and in it was a bath time Ariel for me!!! I was super excited and posted the doll (in its box) on my shelf.

This doll, among other stuffed animals and dolls, made every move I've ever made. They made it back for my senior year of college, to my first apartment, and all three places I've lived in here in New Mexico.

Well somehow this Ariel got stuck in the back of Dorian's closest here in our new house. This weekend we completely re-did the entire upstairs. We painted all of the walls, cleaned, and re-decorated. While cleaning her closet I found the bath-time doll Erin's mom gave me...and honestly made me laugh that I still had it!!! So Niles made me get it out of the box and give it to Dorian!! ha ha ha

Now I'm a good person to share with, so I have no problems letting Dorian play with my toys ha ha ha KIDDING!!! I gave it to her! Mommy is to old to be playing/having toys like that!!! But she had a blast playing with it in the tub!! It is a pretty cool doll...but never to young to start loving the Little Mermaid!!! ha ha ha

1 comment:

SFC said...

I LOVE the new picture of the 3 of you, you & Niles with sunglasses on & Dorian looking @ Niles. The look on her face is priceless!!! There's lots more of Mommy's toys here that Dorian can play with, all in good time I guess. I love you all.