Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Great Leave Clean up of 2009

The family banned together once again to clean up the leaves at my mothers house. Niles, myself, Mark, Patrick, my mom and my Pop pop cleaned leaves all day for five hours to get the job done. It was long but fun.

I hadn't seen my brothers in almost 7 months, so the night before we all went out and had A LOT of fun....2 in the morning fun! So waking up was rough the next morning for leaves, but made it all the more fun ha ha ha

Mark led us to victory and we got the job done! They even let me drive the tractor! YAY! In all my life I never was allowed to drive the tractor...until this day! It was so much fun!!!! Lots of great pictures came from this day!!! Nana took care of Addeline while I helped all day, my mom made us all lunch so we didn't have to stop working, and Patrick with his broken hand actually raked all day and got out of bed!!! YAY!!!

Until next year...when the job comes back to haunt us and the work resumes!

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