Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Things we need to go out the door

We were leaving to go to the store the other day and Dorian pitched a fit (not unusal). But this time we didn't understand what she 'wanted'. We tried to get her to say her words as much as possible, but this request was a little hard to distinguish. She was fumbling through her box of toys like she was on a mission!!!! Dorian knew exactly what she wanted and it was almost like she could NOT walk out that door to leave until she had it.

FINALLY, ten minutes later it clicks! She finds mommies sunglasses and quickly puts them on. But she wasn't finished...she looked up at the key wrack (where we hang out hats) and tells us she wants daddies 'hut' (hat). So we gave her the white hat...and problem solved!! She was ready to rock out that door, like nothing was wrong, like we didn't just have a ten minute tantrum over sunglasses and hats!! Amazing! She put them on herself and strutted her way to the car. She wore them into the store and back home! ha ha

And note, she put them on herself. She DID NOT want our help to fix them so they were on straight. This is what she looked like...

Apparently, hats and glasses are a necessity!!! :) Daddy never leaves the house with out them, and neither does Dorian, anymore! ha ha

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