Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Oktoberfest Weekend!

Last week Niles and I's best friends flew from PA to see us in New Mexico!  We hadn't seen them since Easter, so we were super anxious to see them!!!  Summer and I have been best friends since the fourth grade and Niles and Derek have been best friends since grade school!!!  I can't remember a time that Summer and I were not there for each other or doing something wacky and off the wall!! We took dance together and cheerleading, and helped each other through our life crisis' in college! So when I moved across the US to New Mexico I was completely lost with out her!  I'm sure Niles felt the same when he had to leave Derek!  They went to Highschool together and even went to College in the same town of Wiliamsport! And they truly did everything together (that is how I met niles in the first place, was through derek!)Finally, they both got some time off work to come see us, and just so happened to be on the same weekend!  It worked out great!  We all got to go to Oktoberfest together!  Oktoberfest is the German celebration, and since the Germans share our military base in NM they specially ship in food and beer for all to enjoy!  It was definitly and experience, truly a piece of their culture!  We took summer and derek to white sands desert to see the sand dunes and sun set over the sand/mountians and they got to see their little niece Dorian!  Truley a wonderful time we had when they were here!  Such a great time that it was almost impossible to take them to the airport and see them leave!! It meant to much to us that you both came to new mexico!!! Words can't describe how much we miss you and can't wait to see you both again!! Thank you again for coming and staying with us in our sand box! We love you both!!
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