Tuesday, May 5, 2009

On the Move!!!

In the past couple of weeks D has made leaps and bounds with her walking. We bought a walker/car toy for Dorian before we left for Easter. But she really didn't know what it was or how it worked until just recently. It was something to just hit and push over. But now she gets the idea of walking on her own and honestly if she has something in her hands she can walk across a room without any help!!!

I'm excited for her, because she gets so happy when she makes it further or stands up on her own. But truly I'm scared at the same time. She is getting so big, so quickly and I don't know where the time is going!!!! She is going to be on the move 24/7 in about a week...So I better get ready!!! She is growing up with or without me!!! ha ha

1 comment:

Brandi said...

Ohhhh! Look at her go! She doesn't even really need that stinkin' car, which by the way, Dylan has the exact same one, lol. I love how she stands up! She makes it look so effortless, lol. Ok...so now is when the real fun starts. Get ready because you'll be chasing after her non-stop now, ha ha ha. Adorable videos! Love her!