Monday, October 4, 2010

Pumpkin Time

Niles thought it would be cool to make a different pumpkin this year. Walmart had kits for 4$ that came with several designs, the tools needed to complete the design, and other random things that didn't seem purposeful. I told him that I wasn't that horrible of an artist and to take a picture of it and I'd see what I could draw up!
So with my limited artistic abilities and his limited carving abilities....this is what we came up with! I think our pumpkin totally ROCKS!!!! AND we saved 4$!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That looks awesome Lis! You are a good artist. Me, well, let's just say I would spend the 4 bucks. No creativity in my genes AT ALL! We do the basic two triangle eyes and nose with a jaggedy mouth. Not creative in the least :) Yours is way cool!