Sunday, December 13, 2009

My Theory on Mini-Vans

Okay, So My friend Summer and I went to Walmart yesterday. We were driving in my mini-van and it was packed at the store. They are currently building a new super-walmart in the parking lot so there are a lot of detours and the parking lot is pretty crammed. But either way people should still practice safe driving techniques!

In the five minutes it took me to find a parking spot (rock-star parking might I add) we were almost hit by 4 vehicles. It was like de javue....2 weeks ago the same thing happened to me, in my mini-van with my mother, in the same parking lot at walmart. Only, we were actually hit by a man opening up his car door. I was pulling into a spot to park and he rammed my car with his car door and side swiped the passenger side front door! Crazy huh?!?!?

Well any way...onto my theory.

When I see a mini-van, the first thing that pops into my head is KIDS! Because most people buy mini-vans because they have a ton of kids OR have a few kids and need the extra space, as the reason I have my mini-van. I only have two kids...but they have A LOT of crap the needs to accompany them and the mini-van is the perfect solution for this! Another great example is my sister....she has four boys and needs a mini-van for bikes and games, and just alone the room needed for four lil' men's clothing for a few days on a need a mini-van for this also.

So when I see a mini-van I am usually more cautious as to how I am driving, stopping and looking both ways more carefully at stop signs, leaving cushion room in between the vehicles when stopped behind one...just in case I should be hit from behind, not to ram another van....ANYWAYS! Maybe I am to cautious about this, but maybe other people aren't cautious enough. Because 9 times out of 10 there are kids in a mini-van. And to hurt a kid due to some one's horrible driving is a thousand times worse than hurting a grown man or woman due to bad driving.

My theory is that people should NEVER pull out in front of a mini-van, stop at random times in the road with out warning when mini-vans are present, use turn signals, watch their damn car doors when mini-vans are pulling into a parking spot, and most definitely don't drive like assholes when there are mommies and daddies taking their kids places!!! Who wants to hurt little kids...not saying that it is okay to hurt grown adults...but we recover quicker and get hurt a little less than little kids do. So yes, be cautious of adults to, but more cautious when little kids are on the road...and you know little kids are on the road when you see a mini-van.

That's all, thank you!


Unknown said...

not that i dont agree with your theory bc i definitely do, but kids actually recover much more quickly! they are resilient little things... adults just usually deal with hurt and sickness better :)

Unknown said...

Sorry, still not sold on a minivan. LOL